My Books (click a tab)

Mini Habits
A worldwide bestseller in 24+ languages. More than 700,000 copies sold! This is THE original small habits book, released in 2013. It remains popular today because the strategy is timeless. It still works!
Inside you'll find science, humor, and the story of how I changed my life by doing one (yes, just one) push-up per day! Preview it for free by signing up to my newsletter.
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You can read more about Mini Habits. And be sure to check out the ideas and tools page.
Based on this book, I teamed up with Laura Avnaim to create the most popular habit course in the world with over 18,000 students! You can get more information about the video course on this page.

Mini Habits for Weight Loss
After reading this book, you will never diet again. Why? Because this is a better way to get healthier and lose weight! This is my most popular book for a reason.
As reviewer Erina says, "I've tried SO MANY weight loss things to no avail. I'm doing mini habits now and crushing it--with seemingly no effort."
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You can read more about Mini Habits for Weight Loss or the unhappy marriage between weight loss and dieting.
Based on this book, I once again teamed up with actress Laura Avnaim to create a video course called Weight Loss for Life with Mini Habits! You can get more information about the video course on this page.

How to Be an Imperfectionist
Perfectionism is harmful. This book can set you free from it! As my second-highest-rated book of five, you can expect quality. Every chapter has a funny comic with an important message. Inside, you can expect to learn cutting edge techniques to let go of small imperfections in order to be happier, healthier, and more productive.
Alicia M. said, "This is literally the best book I’ve ever read!"
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You can read more about the book here.
And don’t forget to take the OFFICIAL QUIZ! In just a few questions, find out how much of a perfectionist you are (0-100 scale).

Elastic Habits
Habit formation can be tough. But what if your behaviors adapted to YOUR LIFE in real time? If you're tired, your target gets easier. If you're motivated the next day, you have a higher target to aim for. That's how you win every day. That's Elastic Habits!
As reviewer Gary McDonald says, "It makes acquiring and keeping habits something that's fun to do, and not a chore that you hate doing." Give it a try!
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Read more about Elastic Habits. Or take a look at the Elastic Habits product manuals (PDF).
Finally, take a look at the habit shop. Most of the products in here were created for Elastic Habits, and they’re spectacular.

The Magic of Momentum (New!)
After writing four books, you learn some things. That's why this book is my highest rated! Momentum is the most powerful (and underrated) force in human behavior. You're most likely to do what you just did. And habits compound. That's short AND long-term momentum at work!
"Absolutely brilliant in insight, content and practicality." ~ Greg Underhill (review)
More Information
Read more about The Magic of Momentum.
And don’t forget to take the official quiz! How strong is your momentum right now? Find out in 2 minutes. Take the quiz.